Janesville, WI Gatherings:
MON. 1-3 PM, Italian House, 1603 Racine St.
THURS. 6-8PM, Basics Co-op, 1711 Lodge.
FREE, all ages, genders. Spin, knit, crochet - any portable stitching is welcome - no membership requirements!
Visit and support:
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Welcome new stitchers Holly and Terri who joined in the fun at
CoDoS on March 28! A special thank you to Russ, our host,
for always welcoming the Saturday stitchers
and to Steve who was so gracious and welcoming of the
Thursday night gathering for the past 5 years
at Mocha Moment.
Remember to join the THURSDAY group at our
new permanent Thursday location beginning April 2:
Basics Natural Foods Co-op
1711 Lodge Dr.
NEW TIME 6-8pm
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