Janesville, WI Gatherings:
MON. 1-3 PM, Italian House, 1603 Racine St.
THURS. 6-8PM, Basics Co-op, 1711 Lodge.
FREE, all ages, genders. Spin, knit, crochet - any portable stitching is welcome - no membership requirements!
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Ki Can Spin

SnB'er, Ki, learned to spin her own yarn from wool on a spindle in just a few hours. YOU can, too! Join us on Saturday, February 28 for Stitch 'n Assist at CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville from 10-Noon. We'll not only show you how to spin your own yarn from wool in time for the coming spring sheep and alpaca shearing season but also how to make your very own inexpensive spindle from everyday objects. Then, join us on our first field trip of 2009 for the Rainbow Fleece Farm shearing event on on April 5.
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