As the weather begins to cool, we start to realize the year is now winding down . . . and time to make holiday gifts is running short! Do you recognize any of these SnB participants in their Halloween finery?

New participant, KI (Beloit), found out our SnB gathering has FREE lessons so Paula has helped her learn to crochet while Judith has introduced her to spindle spinning. We also have a yarn ball winder, swift, and other tools that are available for use upon request to our stitchers to help them with their projects! Don't forget the books and DVD's on loan, too...

On Saturday, November 8, SnB participated at the Roosevelt Elementary School PTA Arts & Crafts Fair as our last sale venture in 2008. We plan on continuing to sell our FOs in 2009 at the Janesville Farmer's Market and other venues. Get those knitting and crochet needles busy during the winter months so you can join us for the fun and profit next year!
Please remember to write your FOs in our binder for the year-end tally. Last year our group completed over 600 projects and we hope we can top that number in 2008.

Upcoming Special Events Calendar:
Saturday, November 22
Stitch 'n Assist at 10:00
CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville
Sunday, November 23
Field trip to Rainbow Fleece Farm Holiday Open House
Yarn, roving, felting, kits, FOs, carding and meat available
Thursday, December 4
Annual Holiday Party REVISED TIME: 6-10
Call 608-752-9248 for details.
Saturday, December 13
Stitch 'n Assist at 10:00
CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville
NOTE: No gatherings on Christmas
and New Years Day
Saturday, December 27
Stitch 'n Assist at 10:00
CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville
Saturday, January 10
Stitch 'n Assist at 10:00
CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville
Saturday, January 24
Stitch 'n Assist at 10:00
CoDos Coffee Shop, 119 N. Main, Janesville
Looking forward . . .
January – Sock Knit-Along (learn to make socks!!!)
March – Mystery Project (knit or crochet)
May – Annual A Good Yarn Contest
June - October – Farmer's Market and other
opportunities to sell our FOs
Labels: calendar of events, field trips, free knitting lessons, Janesville activities, knitting events, learn how to spin, Stitch 'n Bitch, stitchers gathering