Labels: CoDoS, free knitting lessons, janesville stitch 'n bitch, learn how to crochet, learn how to knit, learn how to spin
Janesville, WI Gatherings: MON. 1-3 PM, Italian House, 1603 Racine St. THURS. 6-8PM, Basics Co-op, 1711 Lodge. FREE, all ages, genders. Spin, knit, crochet - any portable stitching is welcome - no membership requirements! Visit and support: Visit our store:
Labels: CoDoS, free knitting lessons, janesville stitch 'n bitch, learn how to crochet, learn how to knit, learn how to spin
Labels: fiber, fiber extravaganza, National Alpaca Farm Days, Rainbow Fleece Farm, special events, spinning, wool, yarn
SnB has been approached by someone who wants more space in her home and would like to offer one large and/or one small quilting frame to anyone who could put them to good use. Please call 608-752-9248 if you could provide a loving home to these quilting frames.
Labels: offered, quilting frames
Labels: artists, ArtsFest, demonstrations, fall activities, Janesville festivals, musicians, rock county, things to do, United Arts Alliance
It's not going to end without your help! As yet more soldiers from our area are deployed from Rock County this week ( please join the weekly peace vigil each Tuesday, 4:00-4:30p.m., on S. Main St. by Congressman Ryan's office (Olde Towne Mall) as we send our message to Washington that the war must end. All our best wishes and good luck to our young SnB newly-wed knitters, Steve and Nicole, as he begins his career with the Marines and she starts college classes.
Labels: free spinning, Jefferson County, sheep and wool festival, Wisconsin, yarn
Labels: CoDoS Coffee Shop, free crochet, free knitting, free knitting lessons, free spinning, janesville stitch 'n bitch, troubleshooting