Set yourself a personal spinning challenge. You will begin spinning on the first stage of the Tour (July 5th), and finish on or before the last stage (July 27th). You, of course, may spin on those days designated rest days for the riders.
1. The idea is to set yourself a challenge. It doesn't matter what the challenge is -- it could be spinning fine for the first time, or producing an artsy fartsy yarn as an exercise, it could be spinning enough for a specific project. If you've always wanted to spin a little every day (say, a spinning meditation practice), but never seem to find time for it, perhaps that could be the challenge -- spinning every morning of the tour. What matters is you set out the challenge, and meet it during the specified time.
2. There will be no spinning before the start of the first stage.
3. You must finish spinning before the last stage ends.
4. You may sample and do other research as needed beforehand if it helps you decide on your challenge, or will help provide you the tools and information you need to meet the challenge.
The Maillot Jaune (Yellow Jersey)
As much as I enjoy the different categories of the Tour de France, for the purposes of the Tour de Fleece, there is only one option -- the Maillot Jaune (Yellow Jersey). Either you meet your challenge, or you don't.
Finishers will get a button for their blog, which will be essentially the same as last year's version. Of course, there is the immense pride in undertaking the Tour and riding -- er -- spinning to completion.
Entering the Tour de Fleece 2008
To enter the Tour de Fleece 2008 spinning challenge, please leave a comment stating your name (nicknames are acceptable) and the URL for your blog or the webpage where you'll be reporting your spinning progress during the running of this year's Tour de France bicycle race. You can also submit your entry by e-mail via the link in the sidebar -- make sure you put "Tour de Fleece" in the subject line.
Entries will be posted below -- please check the list for your entry, allowing a couple of days from the time you submit it for me to update the list. If you haven't been added to the list of participants after a few days, please let me know in the comments or by e-mail as I may have missed seeing it the first time around.
Although the aim is to start on July 5th, as in past years, if you find us late, you can still feel free to hop aboard -- just set a challenge that will be appropriate to the time left before the end of the Tour.
Labels: challenge, spinning, tour de france
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