2nd Annual Midwinter Fiber and Yarn Tasting

The Janesville Area Stitch 'n Bitch invites all ages to attend the 2nd Annual Midwinter Fiber & Yarn Tasting on Saturday, February 19, 2011 from 9am-4pm at Basics Natural Foods Co-op, 1711 Lodge Drive, Janesville, Wisconsin. Admission is free to enjoy the "Yarn Bar" where you can touch and work with a variety of natural fibers and yarns, watch fiber arts demonstrations, win one of many door prizes, learn about area fiber farm resources, buy hand-spun, knit, and crocheted items or wood tools such as hand spindles, shuttles and more, and even get FREE lessons in spinning, crochet or knitting! Participating vendors include Clear View Farm, Firefly Field Finns, the Illinois Wool & Fiber Mill, Loveless Fiber Farm, Pacesetter Alpaca, Red Brick Road Farm, Frene Creek Farm, Rock Farms, and Spring Beauty Farm featuring the fiber of various sheep breeds, goats, llama, alpaca, rabbit and silk.
Labels: alpaca, crochet, fiber arts, free, free knitting, free knitting lessons, free spinning, goats, JaneJanesville Wisconsin, Janesville, llama, Midwinter Fiber Fest, rabbit, silk
Is there a mailing list for this event? I didn't know anything about it until I heard about it on an old Homespun Journey podcast. I'd love to round up a bunch of our guild members for the trip north next year if we could get a notification when the event will be held. Thanks much.
If you'd like to join our weekly "reminder" list, please send your e-mail address to proartist@aol.com and we'll include you. Thanks for your interest!
Thanks much Judith!
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